Chicken pox scars that do not want to disappear can interfere with appearance. Especially if it appears on the face or on parts of the body that are not covered by clothes. Come on, find out how to overcome them. Chicken pox scars are a type of atrophic scar, which is a scar that is formed due to skin loss of collagen when inflammation occurs. This type of scar will make the skin become concave and look uneven. Various Ways to Get Rid of Chicken Pox Scars In addition to inflammation, used chicken pox can also be caused by scratching. Therefore, it is recommended not to scratch the skin while experiencing chicken pox, so as not to form a scar. If the former chicken pox has already appeared, you can do some of the following ways to disguise it: 1. Apply honey Besides delicious to be consumed directly, honey was also beneficial to disguise the former chicken pox. The trick is to apply honey to the former smallpox at night before going to bed. After that, cover the former smallpo...